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tantalum metal

[ Info Diffusion:Admin | Times:2022-07-19 | Hits:736 ]
Tantalum, a metallic element, is mainly found in tantalite and is associated with niobium.Tantalum is moderately hard and malleable and can be drawn into thin foil.
Its thermal expansion coefficient is very small.Tantalum has excellent chemical properties and high corrosion resistance.It does not react with hydrochloric acid, concentrated nitric acid and aqua regia either in hot or cold conditions.
It can be used to manufacture vaporizer, etc., also can be used as electrode, rectifier, electrolytic capacitor of electron tube.Medically used to make thin sheets or threads to mend damaged tissue.
Although tantalum has strong corrosion resistance, its corrosion resistance is due to the formation of a stable Ta2O5 protective film on the surface.


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